Enterprise Data Automation

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IO-Tahoe is the leader in Enterprise Data Automation software, harnessing the power of patented data automation technologies to help organizations empower employees to achieve more. Companies around the world, rely on Io-Tahoe data automation technology to guide action and drive change that results in millions of dollars saved.

Io-Tahoe enables enterprise customers to automatically discover, catalogue, manage and drive business value from data wherever it is held. Io-Tahoe uses patented algorithms and machine learning to dramatically increase the accuracy and speed of this process. Io-Tahoe employs cloud enabled data catalogs, customizable ontologies and automated tagging features to unite and classify data, metadata, and analysis within an intuitive user experience designed to help technical and non-technical people collaborate. Io-Tahoe automates the ability for enterprises to automate data processes and workflows including Data Migrations, Data Quality, Data Governance and self-service Data Analytics. In doing so, Io-Tahoe significantly reduces the manual effort required for data users to better know, manage and drive value from their data assets.

Automated Data Discovery

Automated Data Discovery

Data Discovery is the first step to knowing your data. Auto-Discover data across any application on any infrastructure and identify all unknown data relationships across the entire siloed data landscape.

Smart Data Catalogue

SmartData Catalog

Know how everything is connected, understand everything in context. Regain ownership and trust in your data and maintain a single source of truth across cloud platforms, SaaS applications, reference data and legacy systems.

Automated Data Mapping

Automated Data Mapping

Automate the identification of unknown relationships within and across data silos throughout the organization – including databases, data lakes, legacy systems, SaaS applications and documents.

DataSignals Dashboard

DataSignals Dashboards

Get up to date feeds on the health of your data for faster, improved data management. See trends, view full history, compare versions, and get accurate and timely visual insights from across the organization.

Automated Data Flow

Automated Data Flows

Automatically capture every data flow to locate all the dependencies across systems. Visualize how they work together collectively and know who within your organization has access to data.


Active DQ

Automated Data Quality Assessments powered by ActiveDQ ensures data is fit for consumption and meets the needs of enterprise data users. Keep information about the current data quality state readily available for faster, improved decision making.

Data Policy Governor

Data Policy Governor

Automate data governance end-to-end over the entire data lifecycle with automation, instant transparency and control. Automate data policy assessments with glossaries, metadata, and policies for sensitive data discovery.

Self-Service Knowledge Graph

Self-Service Knowledge Graph

Digitize and Search Your Enterprise Knowledge. Turn multiple siloed data sources into machine-understandable knowledge. From a single data canvas, search and explore data content across systems including ERP, CRM, billing systems and social media to fuel data pipelines.

IO-Tahoe has helped the First Bank of Nigeria’s Chief Data Officer, Santiago Castro, achieve digital transformation on their Oracle environment. When it comes to the impact of COVID-19, Castro explains that while the pandemic has come with challenges it has allowed the company to learn and eliminate its inefficient ways.

“Before you needed to create the data warehouses for people to self-serve. Now we have intelligent algorithms, machine learning, like an enterprise Google Search functionality Io-Tahoe, where our business users can search for the type of data that they need. They can now leave the machine to go discover the data for them, which gives them more time for other things”

Santiago Castro

Chief Data Officer, First Bank of Nigeria

Previously data governance had caused frustration and push-back from IT and business teams who were locked in a struggle based on IT policing data and who had access to it. Thanks to Io-Tahoe, now we have the flexibility to remove tension between teams by matching data controls appropriately with the need for business agility.

Group Chief Data Officer, Multinational Telecommunications Company

To learn more about how we can help you, please contact us

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