Storage Experts

With over 20 year’s experience consulting with end-users for their storage, active archive and virtualisation needs – you are in safe hands with NAS.

We provide next generation IT infrastructure solutions that address today’s most demanding business challenges. Our experienced team of industry-certified solutions architects provide customized solutions specifically designed to address each client’s unique business requirements and strategic vision.

Experts You Can Trust

At NAS, we’re proud to be a true trusted advisor to every customer we serve. We’re vendor-independent so we’ve forged strategic partnerships with the best and most diverse technology suppliers – including well-established leaders and emerging market innovators – to bring our customers best-in-class technology and services.

What We Do

We’ve taken the time to develop a deep understanding of each supplier’s products, programs, and capabilities so we can help our customers take advantage of the best IT tools to achieve their business goals. This collaborative approach ensures that you gain the industry expertise, services, and technology you need to achieve optimum value for your bottom line.

Our Goals

Our goal is to implement solutions that maximize real business value and return on investment. The experience of our certified engineering team, combined with our strategic partnerships, allows us the depth and breadth of technical capabilities to evaluate all of your organization’s IT requirements. Our consultants identify and test emerging technologies while maintaining a working knowledge of the broader technology ecosystem and the dynamics that drive IT transformation.

Our Consultants

With an objective, vendor-neutral view, our consultants are dedicated to making sure clients get maximum value from their infrastructure. We take pride in understanding the processes, tools and technologies that fuel successful organizations, from the critical applications businesses depend on to the best technologies underlying the core of the IT infrastructure.

Object Storage, the S3 protocol, and cloud storage

One is a type of storage/architecture (object storage), one is a protocol and one is a storage service (cloud storage) but all three are related and sometimes confused by end users.

So what are the differences and how do you leverage each to solve your specific data storage and access challenges?

In this webinar David Boland, Product Marketing Director from Wasabi joins Adrian Herrera, Product Marketing Principal, Object Storage from DataCore to discuss these technologies, evolving market requirements, and how all three are reducing storage TCO while keeping petabytes of data instantly accessible.

June 24th, 15:00 (UK)

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Our all-out approach is by being consultative towards any project you might have from a new system to an upgrade of an existing one. We believe by understanding the customers commercial and growth needs we can then provide the best advice to fulfil the customers business needs.

System Design

The consultation process lasts through to the design and pre-sales architecture stages. We help our customers with scoping, sizing and demonstrating how different solutions can work for their I.T Infrastructures and the business consequences they are looking to achieve.


Having gone through the first 2 phases a Customer then orders the system, we continue to work closely with the customer to fulfil the project using NAS Professional Services and Account Management to provide assistance and support to you throughout each stage of your project.


At NAS we pride ourselves on ongoing pre & post-sales support and Account Management to our customers. From taking first line technical support (in many cases) to keeping in touch and providing information on product updates and enhancements we always go the extra mile for our customers.

Computer Storage

Building custom storage infrastructures from the ground up to meet specific storage solutions. From single storage servers to scale up, scale out, distributed clusters, NAS designs turnkey, high performance, cost effective, all flash or hybrid server solutions from world renowned suppliers!

Hyper-converged Infrastructure

A software-defined IT infrastructure that virtualizes all of the elements of conventional “hardware-defined” systems, including virtualized computing (a hypervisor), software-defined storage, and virtualized networking (software-defined networking), all on off-the-shelf servers.


The thought of moving your sensitive data to the cloud can keep you up at night with worry. But you can keep your data secure and still enjoy the “access it anywhere” benefits of cloud computing.

Backup & Data Recovery

Backup and recovery describes the process of creating and storing copies of data that can be used to protect organizations against possible data loss.

Active Archive

An Active Archive solution is a combination of open system applications and different types of disk and tape hardware that intelligently monitor and migrate data across multiple storage devices while maintaining fast user accessibility.


E-discovery solutions automate and facilitate the electronic discovery (e-discovery) process, which includes the identification, preservation, collection, processing, review, analysis and production of digital data in support of the common law discovery process in litigation or other investigative proceedings.


Making sure your company’s data is secure is more important than ever as companies today are facing unprecedented threat levels when it comes to securing data.

We can now worry less about the storage and take advantage of all the great features that Quantastor provides, which ultimately delivers the essential performance and reliability we want.

The professionalism and quality of the pre-sales and ongoing support we have been excellent.

Tom Brown

IT Manager, Liberty Wines

I was mostly virtual before Scale Computing, but now I’ve saved 15% of time managing infrastructure. Implementing Scale Computing HC3 was a piece of cake. The training Scale Computing provided was excellent and intuitive, so I was able to quickly and easily move data from my old virtual machines to the new ones.

IT Manager, Weston Homes

To learn more about how we can help you, please contact us

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Or Phone Us - 0330 133 4740

Call us old-fashioned – but we still prefer to talk, and we promise not to bite

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